N. Clark Conant, PH.D.
Usually the choice to seek therapy happens after working on a problem that is bothering you that you haven’t been able to get as far as you want to on your own. It isn’t an easy step to take to talk with someone who is usually a stranger for help. It can also be very illuminating and helpful.
I came to San Francisco for a post doctoral fellowship at UCSF, Langley Porter Institute for training in psychotherapy, and have enjoyed living and working in the Bay Area ever since.
As a therapist, I see myself as learning to listen together to painful, difficult feelings so that we might understand more about what might be contributing to problems. In listening together I can then offer what I hear which may be something underneath what the other person hears, thinks. This is a start to a process of discovering. In another way, we may be finding new truths which were already known somewhere inside. There might be anxiety or depression, problems in a relationship, work problems, painful, difficult feelings about oneself.
As a therapist, I think it is useful to help each person work on learning more about themselves. Sometimes taking a more active part in the process, sometimes allowing for space, breathing room.
I am available for consultation, brief therapy and more ongoing therapy.
I am honored to be a participant in the process of exploration and healing.
I can be reached by phone at 650-704-7604